28 November 2008
Ahhh...tension! 2 Minggu lepas Fa-iz berada di bumi kenyalang menghadiri satu kursus Pembangunan Modal Insan di Damai Beach Resort, Santubong. Kira-kira +-30KM dari bandaraya Kuching. Banyak cerita menarik dan aktiviti-aktiviti disini akan Fa-iz buatkan satu topik baru. Insyallah.
Sekembalinya dari Kuching. Fa-iz terputus hubungan dengan kawan-kawan. WiFi di tempat kerja kena block. Dan tak semena-mena sim card hand phone pulak rosak. Alhamdulillah sim card baru saja diperolehi. Seminggu lebih jugakla Fa-iz tak pakai hand phone, cuma yang membimbangkan sekarang ialah aktiviti tenet Fa-iz tergendala seketika buat masa ni. Nampaknya hajat untuk memasukkan streamyx perlu disegerakan tambahan pulak menjelang sepak mula bola Malaysia.
Oklah dulu coretan Fa-iz buat masa ni...Opss sebelum terlupa sekalung tahniah buat Khairul Husni, kawan seperjuangan Fa-iz di n9futbol yang baru menimang cahaya mata perempuan. Semoga gembira dengan kehadiran 'orang baru' ini...
07 November 2008
Kalau ikutkan memang Fa-iz minta simpang daripada perkara-perkara sebegini terus berlaku. Selalu jugalah dapat tengok bas-bas yang tersadai sebegini. Ada sekali tu Fa-iz lihat bas yang baru sahaja keluar dari Terminal One pun dah tersadai!
Pengusaha bas ni memang nak untung lebih, sudahlah kadar tambang dinaikkan tapi mutu perkhidmatan masih ditakuk lama. Ada sesetengah bas Seremban - KL ini sudah patut ditukar ganti tapi masih digunakan. Pernah Fa-iz naik bas tu tak berair-cond, busuk, bersampah dan sebagainya. Sepanjang perjalanan memang menyumpah-nyumpah (dalam hati jer la) tapi dalam masa yang sama berdoa agar bas tak 'tersadai'. Bayangkanlah...
Berbalik kepada cerita Fa-iz mula berulang Seremban - KL. Sejak awal perkahwinan Fa-iz menetap di Setapak. Fa-iz kerja di KL, Fiza di Putrajaya. Pagi-pagi Fa-iz akan hantar Fiza di depan Pudu untuk menaiki bas ke Putrajaya. Begitulah hari-hari. Namun selepas kelahiran Riaszahra kami decide berpindah ke Seremban memandangkan kos sara hidup yang agak tinggi saban hari apatah lagi hidup di ibu kota ini. Jadi ada baiknya kami menerima tawaran ayahanda untuk tinggal bersama.
27 October 2008
Koleksi Gambar Kahwin Kawan dan Saudara-Mara
Sebenarnya kalau nak diikutkan banyak lagi koleksi gambar kahwin kawan2 dan saudara-mara ni dan ada juga yang tak sempat dirakamkan. Seakan menjadi hobi bila hadir ke majlis kenduri perkahwinan especially kalau orang kahwin tu rapat dengan Fa-iz@wife pastinya kenangan di majlis ini akan diabadikan. Sebenarnya bercerita pasal hadir ke majlis perkahwinan ni ada pelbagai ragam atau kenangan yang akan kita ingati. Pengalaman Fai-iz antaranya ada kawan2 yang kahwin itu rupanya dah jadi saudara jauh kita, ada pula yang kahwin sesama tempat kerja dan macam-macam lagi. Tak lupa juga ada kenangan hadir ke majlis perkahwinan dalam keadaan hujan lebat, ada pula makanan yang hampir habis sedang tetamu masih bertimpa datang dan sebagainya. Semua ini menjadikan majlis perkahwinan sentiasa diingati dengan ragam2nya.
22 October 2008
Majlis Perhimpunan Keluarga Wan Mohamed
11 October 2008
Tema Raya 2008/1429
Lame Fa-iz tak update blog ni, sibuk sangat dengan kerja yang menimbun-nimbun lepas raya ni...apakan daya kita 'yang menuntut perintah' backlog perlu disetelkan segera...ahhhh tensionnye!
Kisah raya tahun meriah seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, bezanya tahun ni kehadiran Uwais, 2006 berdua, tahun lepas bertiga dan tahun ini berempat. Tahun depan ermmm siapa tahu?
Tahun ni Fa-iz beraya sehari je di Perlis selebihnya kami di N9. Alkisahnya sejak kelahiran Uwais bulan Julai lalu Fiza dibawa ke kampung untuk berpantang selama 60 hari, bukanlah tak boleh berpantang di N9 tapi kat sini tak ada sape yang nak boleh uruskan makan minum dan sebagainya bila semua sibuk ngan kerja tambahan lagi mana ngan kami sibuk nak berpindah rumah. Lagi satu orang berpantang ni banyak pantang larangnya jadi kenalah jaga sebaik-baiknya. Jadi keputusannya Fa-iz nak ambil diorang sebelum puasa tapi bila difikirkan dah dekat puasa, alang-alang tunggu sampai raya kan lagi senang? Tak payahla kami nak berulang-alik banyak kali. Mana dengan anak kecil lagi, kos pun agak tinggi.
Sehari sebelum raya Fa-iz masih bekerja tapi mohon pelepasan balik awal. Perjalanan agak lancar walaupun hujan lebat di sesetengah tempat. Pemanduan solo untuk perjalanan lebih 500KM ni memang mengantuk kalau tak cukup persediaan, dua kali jugakla Fa-iz berhenti melayan rasa mengantuk ni tapi Alhamdulillah sebelum maghrib dah sampai di Perlis.
Sambutan Hari Raya Pertama, Kedua, Ketiga dan Keempat
Selepas sembahyang raya, tradisi di kampung mertua Fa-iz ini ialah saling berkunjungan dan bermaafan sambil menjamah makanan yang disediakan. Selepas Zohor kami mulakan langkah kami beraya di rumah kawan-kawan di sekitar Kodiang dan Changloon.
Tema Pakatan Rakyat - Ahaksss
Seawal pagi raya kedua kami dah mula bergerak pulang ke Seremban. Perjalanan awal ini bagi mengelakkan rasa kurang selesa terutamanya pada tengahari nanti. Takut-takut nanti Uwais meragam pada pertengahan perjalanan. Sampai di Seremban jam 2.30 petang, hajat asal nak terus beraya di Kuala Pilah tapi diberitahu majlis keluarga (bacaan tahlil dan jamuan raya pada setiap kali raya kedua mengikut giliran adik-beradik ayah) di rumah makngah dahpun abis maka kami pun batalkan niat tersebut.
Tema Santai - Nak jalan jauh daaa…
Raya ketiga Fa-iz sekeluarga bersama ayah, ibu dan adik-adik beraya di Felda Bukit Rokan di daerah Gemencheh. Rumah nenek saudara ini seakan menjadi tradisi untuk kami sekeluarga akan beraya pada setiap musim aidilfitri.
Tema Baju Melayu - Hari Jumaat sembahyang Jumaat la…
Raya keempat juga Fa-iz sekeluarga bersama ayah, ibu dan adik-adik beraya bersama. Kali ini kami ke Pulau Indah yang dulunya hanya dikenali sebagai Pulau Lumut. Perjumpaan raya yang mengumpulkan seluruh adik beradik ibu sebegini sememangnya jarang dapat berlaku sebelum ini. Perjumpaan ini juga umpama perhimpunan mini keluarga Wan Mohamed.
Tema Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan - Makan bila laparla...
09 October 2008
Tomato Story
A Jobless man applied for the position of 'office boy' at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.
'You are employed' he said. Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in, as well as date when you may start.
The man replied 'But I don't have a computer, neither an email'.
'I'm sorry', said the HR manager. If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist. And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job.'
The man left with no! hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket. He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate. He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the operation three times, and returned home with $60.
The man realized that he can survive by this way, and started to go everyday earlier, and return late. Thus, his money doubled or tripled everyday.
Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.
5 years later, the man is! one of the biggest food retailers in the US ...
He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance.
He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan.
When the conversation was concluded the broker asked him his email.
The man replied,'I don't have an email.'
The broker answered curiously, 'You don't have an email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e mail?!!'
The man thought for a while and replied, 'Yes, I'd be an office boy at Microsoft!'
*Moral of the story*
*Moral 1* !
Internet is not the solution to your life.
*Moral 2*
If you don't have Internet, and work hard, you can be a millionaire.
26 September 2008
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
23 September 2008
Riaszahraku 1 tahun, 3 bulan
Sudah dua minggu kakak kat Seremban..
Kalau ikut plan asal aritu abah nak amik kakak, adik ngan bonda dan kita beraya di sini. Tup tup tok di Perlis demam kuat dan bonda pulak tak terlayan kerenah kakak dan adik. Bila adik nangis kakak pun nak nangis sesekali tengok macam kembar pulak dua beradik ni. Abah amik keputusan bawa balik kakak seorang jer ke Seremban sebab kesiankan bonda yang terpaksa menjaga adik-kakak ni. Sambil tu bolehla bonda menjaga makan-minum atuk Perlis dan tengokkan tok sekali.
Di Seremban, time abah kerja ni terpaksalah abah mintak ehsan paklang ngan atuk sini jaga kakak. Sesekali teringat apalah yang kakak buat sekarang ni. Malam menjelma giliran abah pulak melayan kerenah kakak sambil dibantu acu ngan wawa. Penat bekerja di siang hari seakan hilang melayan kakak.
Kakak sebenarnya baru jer baik dari demam, kiranya time abah amik dia bawa balik aritu tinggal sisa-sisa demam saje yang tinggal. Sepanjang minggu lepas abah tengok dia ok jer cume setiap hari berak kakak memang cair. Abah ingatkan pasal susu yang kakak minum dah tak sesuai lagi tapi abah tengok kakak minum ok jer. Jadi semalam atuk bawa kakak pergi jumpa doktor untuk kepastian. Doktor bagitau kakak tak boleh makan makanan berminyak. Perut kakak tak boleh lagi terima makanan yang berat-berat lagi tapi apa yang abah, atuk, wawa makan kakak nak juga makan kalau tak diberi nanti kakak merajuk. Sekarang kakak kena makan ubat yang doktor bagi dan susu khas yang disyorkan doktor terlebih dahulu bagi memulihkan sistem pengkhadaman terlebih dahulu. Sabar je lah sayang! Nanti lagi 3 bulan baru kakak boleh makan macam-macam.
18 September 2008
12 September 2008
Spotlight : Buka puasa at a price
While most Malaysians are cutting corners to save a few ringgit, others are queuing up at the Ramadan buka puasa buffet line. Hotels and restaurants tell AUDREY VIJAINDREN that it’s a full house every night, despite higher prices and the rising cost of living
A rojak dish among the buffet spread at Mandarin Oriental |
A great way to buka puasa is this tempting Mamak Tenggiri Curry |
Lucky for us, we don’t have to pack all the kids in the minivan and make that five-hour drive home, each time we have a craving.
All through Ramadan, fancy restaurants and upscale hotels are taking us on that journey.
Bracing themselves for a loss this Ramadan, due to the rising cost of living, hotels and restaurants are glad to report nothing less than a “full house” since the start of the fasting month.
As far as they’re concerned, it’s business as usual, whatever the cost.
Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur (MOKL) says although it’s only a week into the fasting month, there’s no indication of a slowdown in business this year.
“Our Ramadan buffets are usually fully booked from the second week of Ramadan onwards. The response and reservations so far have been more than encouraging.
“The majority of our Ramadan buffet patrons are corporate companies from the surrounding vicinity along with an influx of family gatherings on weekends.
“There’s no real trend indicative of a slowdown, as there are a myriad of factors that could affect the reservations,” said its spokesperson.
While the month of Ramadan is one of the busiest times for their restaurants, MOKL says there’s a slight decrease in banquet events during the fasting month.
“The volumes generated from the Ramadan buffets do contribute to the overall hotel food & beverage revenue. This helps as we have observed a slight decrease in banquet events.”
So, are people forking out cold hard cash for these lavish dinners? Not really.
MOKL says that payments are usually made by credit card, especially for group bookings.
Hilton Petaling Jaya’s assistant food & beverage manager Kamarul Zaman says they’re enjoying similar success with their buka puasa buffets.
“Needless to say, with the popularity of the restaurant, we have our loyal regulars who dine with us every year during Ramadan. It’s a must for them to dine here at least once during this month.
“As the yearly norm, for the first week, our Muslim friends prefer to break fast at home with their family.
“Nevertheless, the restaurant still performs above the average dinner crowd for the first week and it picks-up tremendously over the weeks until the end of Ramadan.”
He says being located in a business district populated by multinational companies, the hotel receives many corporate bookings, as many of them would take this opportunity to dine with their clients.
So, does the month of Ramadan greatly increase their yearly profits? He says that goes without saying.
While most hotels see a balance in walk-in guests and corporate customers, Renaissance Kuala Lumpur says they’re receiving many Prestige Card members (the hotel’s loyalty programme members).
“Our club members enjoy a variety of perks when dining at the hotel, so many come for such promotions.
“Corporate guests and companies are also big on our Ramadan buffets. Most of the customers during this month are between the ages of 30 to 55 years old,” says its assistant public relations manager Nor Aizan Abdul Hamid.
For business or pleasure, she says, both their coffee houses are full during the second and third week of Ramadan, but reservation is always slow at the beginning of Ramadan.
In fact, most restaurants and hotels offering buka puasa buffets have noticed a similar pattern and strategise accordingly.
Buka puasa buffets are usually RM10 less throughout the first and last week of the fasting month.
But while most eateries are raising their buffet prices to a minimum of 20 per cent this month, there’s one restaurant that has chosen not to burden their customers with an expensive meal.
The Seri Angkasa revolving restaurant at the KL Tower is sticking to their RM130++ dinner buffet price, even during the fasting month.
“We don’t need to raise our prices because we have agreements with our suppliers for a year. So, although there is a price hike, we’re not affected. Well, at least not yet. Who knows, next year may be different,” says the assistant marketing, advertising and promotion manager for Seri Melayu group of companies Noorulazwaliza Noh.
Although Seri Angkasa’s buka puasa buffet price is one of the highest around, she says, the restaurant is still receiving bookings three months in advance.
“We house 250 people at one time, with two dinner sessions every night. Obviously, people are still eating out as much as before despite the increase in prices worldwide.
“In fact, during this month, we offer a special lunch buffet for non-Muslims at RM40 per person. Even that is fully booked everyday.”
Yes, but being the only revolving restaurant at the KL Tower, could their business be coming from tourists?
She says, not at all. The majority of their patrons are locals and not tourists.
“More and more Malaysians are dining here, most are here to impress clients and business partners.
“With our new online booking feature, more companies are reserving their tables months ahead.”
While that may be true for the revolving restaurant, Carcosa Seri Negara’s buka puasa buffet attracts many foreigners.
“Oh yes. Our stay-in guests, many being Europeans, Americans and Japanese, never fail to make it part of their experience at Carcosa to attend the Ramadan buffet.
“Foreign executives also participate with great enthusiasm, not wanting to miss out on a Malaysian experience.
“We attract many expatriates, business groups and families, due to our lush garden environment, “ says its general manager Carla Petzold-Beck.
But unlike other hotels, Ramadan is not a huge profit-making month for this boutique hotel.
“Large-scale events are greatly reduced during the day, so no, the fasting month does not contribute significantly to profits.
“It’s also not the busiest time of the year for us. It’s simply the perception of busy-ness because most of the dining takes place within a shorter window of time, which is at the break of fast,” she says.
The price of their buka puasa buffet? RM119++ per person.
So, who are these big spenders?
Director of construction company Greenfield Buildtec Raymond Selvaraj is one of many.
Because he has a lot of Muslim and Indonesian sub-contractors, Raymond says the fasting month is a good time to foster business ties.
“It’s a great opportunity to entertain business partners. Who’s going to turn down a free meal? And because other contractors are taking their business partners out, you can’t afford not to.”
Even for an overpriced plate of kerabu pucuk paku?
Why not, he says, Ramadan only comes around once a year.
Raymond says when you take into account the business opportunity, the price of a Ramadan dinner is peanuts.
“These Ramadan dinners used to cost much less, but now it’s steadily increasing. But when you are talking about million ringgit projects, this is a small price to pay.
“Especially in the construction line, people expect to receive little perks like this. It’s all part of business.”
Raymond is not the only one who’s taking advantage of the Ramadan month to boost sales and seal deals.
IT consultant Francis Lim says he too doesn’t hesitate to give his clients and prospective clients a treat.
“It’s no surprise that Malaysians love food. So, when an opportunity like this comes along, we have to grab it. In fact, it’s much better to take your clients out for dinner than to a karaoke lounge.
“It’s all done in good faith and people like to be appreciated. Unfortunately, there are some who take advantage of the situation by carting their whole family along. But what can we do? We can’t say no. The customer is always right.”
Raymond and Lim are part of the vast majority who are willing to spend lavishly, in hopes of a bigger “fish".
But there are business people who don’t think showering clients with pricey buffets is the way to go.
Financial planner Clarence Chua says he doesn’t mind entertaining his Muslim clients at home. But expensive Ramadan dinners defeat the purpose of fasting.
“I don’t think my clients would expect it of me. Buka puasa is a great time for family and friends to get together. But why must it be at an expensive place, with 300 dishes? That’s so impersonal!
“Wouldn’t the experience be better in the comfort of your own home? I think my clients would appreciate the extra effort I put into preparing a dinner for them in my own house.”
Most of time, Chua says, talking business in a restaurant full of people is not conducive.
“It’s usually a ’full house’ at the restaurants during this time and it’s impossible to talk about serious stuff. People just eat and go, with little mingling.”
But for business, pleasure of leisure, buka puasa buffet dinners will still be a tool to foster better relationships for some and build a bigger client base for others.
And if you look at it that way, a plate of fresh kampung ulam-ulaman is truly priceless.
Drink : Long, cool sips
SU AZIZ celebrates that first drink of the day that marks the break of fasting for Muslims. Others, too, can enjoy the flavours of these concoctions any day, any time, when longing for something tasty and different.
At the first cold sip, I would slowly regain life. Then, there would be no stopping me. Glass after glass, despite warnings, I would gulp. Regret came way too late; suddenly, I’d discover there was no more room for food. Nevertheless, it was a habit that endured for the entire month (and yes, until today!).
The good people of Legend Hotel in Kuala Lumpur can relate to this and therefore have come up with four cool, sweet drinks to quench the thirst for buka puasa.
The four below are elaborate concoctions but terrific distractions as you wait for the sun to set and feasting to begin. Or, order them while enjoying Legend Hotel’s Ramadhan buffet spread of over 100 dishes every night!
Simply cut the fruit up, remove the stone and blend:
• 120ml of kedondong juice
Then muddle in:
• 1-2 sour plums
• syrup water to taste
Finally, add in crushed ice before drinking.
The second drink is a terrific variation of our sirap biji selasih. The chopped up lotus root gives the drink a crispiness biji selasih does. Chop up as much as you want:
• young lotus root
• jackfruit or nangka
Then mix some raspberry syrup with water, add chopped ingredients and mix in:
• 5-6 nata de cacao
Lastly, add crushed ice before drinking.
This third one doesn’t need crushed ice but the vanilla ice-cream will go down well. This is a mealy drink. The jackfruit is comforting and it is most definitely sweet. All you need is to blend together:
• 1 tsp green tea powder or ¼ cup of very thick green tea
• 120ml soya milk or lessen it slightly to accommodate the ¼ cup of green tea
• 1-2 slices of jackfruit
• 1-2 scoops of vanilla ice-cream
The most visually enticing is their fourth drink. Its mango yellow and burgundy are rich and appetising. When mixed, the ruby red defies the soft mango flavours and the drink’s innocent sweetness.
Another heavy and mealy drink, simply blend to retrieve:
• 30ml of red dragon fruit puree
Pour it into a tumbler. Then slowly pour on top:
• fresh mango juice
For a hint of zest, crush the thick end of a lemongrass and use the crushed end to stir this drink. Remember, add in crushed ice only before you drink it to minimise dilution.
10 September 2008
Teruja sangat nak berhari raya!
Bagi Fa-iz perhimpunan keluarga sebegini ini memang amat dinanti-nantikan kerana melaluinya kita dapat mengenali antara satu sama lain dan merapatkan silaturrahim. Bayangkanlah anakanda kepada Wan Mohamed saja dah 10 orang dan cucu-cucu dah hampir 50 orang. Berkumpul pula bersama-sama keluarga adik beradik Wan Mohamed yang lain. Satu perhimpunan besar keluarga yang dijangka menjangkau lebih 500 orang rasanya.
Semoga usaha pihak penganjur ini berjaya dan berjalan lancar. Teruja sangat nak berhari raya!
09 September 2008
Salam Aidilfitri dari Dublin
SALAM Aidilfitri kami tujukan istimewa buat ayahanda bonda dan keluarga tercinta, saudara mara, sahabat handai serta kenalan kami yang berada di seluruh Malaysia terutama di Negeri Sembilan, Melake, Pahang dan Johor. Tidak lupakan juga kepada pensyarah Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor, Kolej Dar Al-Hikmah dan KMB. Doakan kejayaan kami di Dublin, Ireland. Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa, Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir Batin. Dari kiri: Diana, Fairuza Feerhana dan Izdzatun Nasyiah.
05 September 2008
Jejak Kasih (Siri II)
Siri kedua kali ini aku fokuskan kepada kengkawan di SMAD Titi Besi, Kepala Batas. Sekolah ini terletak kira-kira 10 KM dari bandar Alor Star berhampiran sangat dengan Lapangan Terbang Sultan Abdul Halim. Aku start masuk sekolah ni pada penghujung 2004 dan ditempatkan di tingkatan dua, kira-kira beberapa minggu je lagi nak periksa hujung tahun. Di sini bermulalah era persekolahan formal aku dan sepanjang di sekolah ini juga beberapa kali jugakla aku keluar masuk asrama (bukan kena buang asrama tau tapi kengkononnye nak fokus belajar). Boleh kata satu kejutan budaya jugak la kat aku bila belajar kat sini.
Tahun 2005 aku amik PMR dan alhamdulillah taklah mengecewakan sangat bolehlah 2A. Ok per belajar setahun jer beb!. Masuk form 4 aku berulang dari rumah di Taman Mahsuri, Jitra. Dan tahun ni pun aku ada amik exam arab (SMRA) dan alhamdulillah resultnya pun ok aku dapat maqbul jer. Okla tu!. 1997 aku kembali ke asrama masa tu parent semua dah balik ke N9 tinggallah aku sensorang kat sana. Tahun tu jugak aku amik SPM dan resultnya taklah gempak sangat tapi steadyla. Kalau susun ikut ranking laki-laki aku dok top ten jugakla. Hehehe. Tapi yang paling aku ingat, tahun tu raya haji tak balik sebab nak dekat ngan periksa. Aku balik raya rumah Mat Zaki Saad kat Pokok Sena.
Masa dok asrama memang banyak kenangan. Teringat aku kat ustaz Kamil dan arwah ustaz Long. Hari-hari kena ligan kalau tak pergi sembahyang kat surau. Kalau dapat kat diorang alamat berbiratlah kat kaki. huhuhuh...sian kat aku. Tapi yang paling best bila time outing, memang tak pernah nak balik ikut waktu yang ditetapkan, paling tidak pun kitorang balik masa lepas abis prep. Lubang kat pagar kat hujung bangunan tu lah yang jadi port kitorang masuk. Dan yang paling best sepanjang penglibatan aku alhamdulillah tak pernah kantoi lagi la. Huhuhu.
Ni otai asrama ni...huhuhu. Kamcing diorang ni ngan ustaz Kamil tapi geng aku balik malam jugak ni...sebab tu aku tak kantoi...hehehe. Gambar ni masa kita orang gi Bukit Hijau masa tu aku baru dapat lesen. Sewa kereta sebijik ronda dari pagi sampai malam.
Ni pulak kat bilik ketua dorm, port bebudak malas pergi surau, konfom waden pun tak kacau bilik ni. Ketua konon! Hampehla korang!
Banyak dengan diorang ni aku dah lost contact, entahla masing2 dah bawa diri. Setakat yang aku pernah jumpa lepas abis sekolah dulu antaranya wan lah (MPI), fakhrul, zaki yaman, hanif (Kisdar), spotlight (Seremban) tapi itu pun 7-8 tahun dulu. Wan lah masa kat MPI dulu selalu jugakla aku jumpa tapi bila dah posting ke mana entah dia pun terus hilang. Cuma yang aku dah jumpa dalam tahun ni Mat Deris dan adiknya. Kebetulan umah Mat Deris kat Tokai ni dekat ngan kampung Pak Mertua aku.
Last sekali, takziah aku ucapkan kepada keluarga arwah ustaz Long, ustazah Khairiah, Pak Cha dan lain-lain yang telah kembali ke rahmatullah. Al-fatihah.
31 August 2008
Jejak Kasih (Siri I) - Update!
Pada kesempatan ini diucapkan Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. Semoga kehadiran bulan yang penuh keberkatan ini dapat dipenuhi dengan amalan-amalan sunat dan lebih baik dari bulan Ramadhan yang lalu.
Mengimbau kembali zaman pra-remaja teringat zaman belajar di sebuah "sekolah pondok" di daerah Kota Star yang terletak di antara jalan Bukit Pinang - Langgar. Banyak sekali pengajaran yang diperolehi sepanjang menuntut ilmu agama di sekolah ini. Satu dinamakan Madrasah As-saadah dan satu lagi dinamakan Madrasah Al-Irsyadiah. Sesekali terkenangkan sawah padi, panjat pokok rambutan, mandi sungai, meredah 'bah', naik motor kapcai pastinya teringat tempat yang dinamakan Lepai ini.
Paling tidak dilupakan kawan-kawan yang turut sama berjuang semasa dalam zaman pengajian "sekolah pondok" ini. Teringat pada zam, shidi, husni, mujahid, pakya, cikgu lah, zahir, nasir (chet), sir jaafar, zaki saad, din pisang, zamri, adi belacan, awang, tebuan, wan tepui, din kura, pendek, shuib, rozek, sodri, haikal, asri, shahrin sawai antara pelajar dan penduduk berhampiran sekolah ini. Tidak dilupakan juga pelajar yang di luar Kedah antaranya zul dan adiknya, kaman, sopi, yuz, mamat, atan, abang din, azrul penang dan kakaknya, madihah dan adik-adiknya, bob sungai petani, ilyas tebu, reza dan lain-lain yang namanya tercicir dari senarai ini maklumlah tahun 1994 adalah tahun terakhir aku disini. 1994 - 2008, 14 tahun mana mungkin lagi dapat mengingati kesemuanya. Yang ada dalam ingatan inipun sekadar dapat mengingati nama sahaja, berselisih bahupun belum tentu dapat dikenal.
Cuma dari senarai diatas ini, sebahagiannya telah dapat aku hubungi terutamanya ketika menjemput ke majlis perkahwinan aku pada tahun 2006 yang lalu. Antara yang hadir masa tu zul dan mujahid dan selang beberapa bulan lepas tu aku seisi keluarga pula pergi ke kenduri zul. Terbaru aku jumpa mamat JB di masjid negara, bini majistret tuuuuu. Masa balik kampung bini aku raya cina tahun ni aku berkesempatan jumpa husni, din kura, shuib, kaman, azrul kat rumah/tempat masing-masing. Zam, sodri ngan zaki saad aku dah ada berbalas mesej tapi tak kesempatan lagi nak jumpa lagi. Wan tepui, shidi aku ada juga jumpa masa diorang promote MLM kat aku. Beriya-iya nak jumpa aku ingatkan nak tanya khabar aku tup tup mintak join MLM diorang cehhhh terkena aku.
Itu je la mesej aku kat sini, saja nak cari kengkawan. Siri I ni aku khaskan untuk budak Lepai, siri II aku nak cari budak Titi Besi dan seterusnyala aku cuba menjejak kasih dengan semua rakan taulan yang pernah menjalin persahabatan ngan aku. Sebagai menyahut cabaran ko mamat, aku siarkan gambar2 budak "sekolah pondok" yang adalam simpanan aku. Aku rasa ada lagi gambar2 dalam simpanan aku tapi ntah ke mana la agaknya. Paling aku ingat gambar posing ala-ala 4u2c kat tengah bendang. Aduuuuh kena carik tue...
Ni gambar-gambar yang baru aku jumpa...selak pi selak mai alhamdulillah jumpa gak...tapi gamba ko jugak yang aku takdak mamat...hahahah
Pak yeh dimana kamu sekarang ya? Kamu meniaga tebu lagi tak?
Dah jumpa...gambar ni la yang aku bgtau ala-ala 4u2c silap-silap boleh buat cover album ni...
Pehhhh...Mak ndak bila dah posing maut ngan spek mata hitam...mamat duo orang belakang yus tu sapa ek...lupa la...apa namaaaaa...
30 August 2008
51st Merdeka: Proud of his name despite the ribbing
PASIR MAS: Mohd Merdeka Che Soh has always had to put up with the ribbing from friends because of his unique name.
Mohd Merdeka, who will be as old as the nation tomorrow, said his friends would always insist on calling him "Merdeka" instead of "Mat", which was what he was popularly known as among the people in his village.
"I know from the way they called me 'Merdeka' that they were poking fun at me. After calling my name, they would smile and laugh.
"I would normally just ignore them and walk away," he said when met at his house in Kampung Jias, near Kasa here recently.
Mohd Merdeka Che Soh is all for unique names
"My father, a padi farmer, kept telling me that one day I would be proud of my name. I also spoke to a teacher and he advised me to be patient," Mohd Merdeka said.
Mercifully, the jokes stopped when he entered Universiti Sains Malaysia.
"Friends did not joke about my name but they were curious to know why my parents gave me such a name. I explained the reasons to them and they understood."
The father of six said he finally realised the truth of what his father had told him when he was at the university.
"During my time at the university, I learned that the name was actually a great name and only a few people had it. Since then, I have never thought of changing it," said Mohd Merdeka.
Despite being tormented by his friends when he was younger, Mohd Merdeka is all for unique names.
"For instance, a name like Syawal will remind us of Hari Raya."
On his plans for the Merdeka celebration, he said he would be attending the state-level celebrations.
"Although I will not be celebrating Merdeka Day with the nation in Kuala Lumpur, I will be celebrating my birthday with my family and friends."